I MUST protest at the sheer arrogance displayed by Cllr Strett.

If he feels Lowton village requires a supermarket and parade in preference to what amounts to the village green he is as far out of touch with the electorate as is possible.

The fact that Lowton has a growing population only highlights the need to preserve such areas.

I'm sure if the proposed development goes ahead the supermarket will find a steady income, but at the expense of the existing, real community businesses that have served the community for many a year and continue to do so today.

In no circumstances could this scenario be considered a boost for the community as stressed by Cllr Strett.

As for the rather dubious trade off that the community centre" is "needed to provide a focal point for the village," this leads me to believe Cllr Strett considers the community currently has no heart.

A sad indictment of someone who is representing it.

Please do not allow the proposed development, it is neither viable nor required.

Name and address supplied.