FLEDGLING pop star Paula Leeming is preparing for a world tour after being plucked from the obscurity of a Welsh holiday camp to become lead singer of a new band.

The 19-year-old Barrowford vocalist and former Blackburn College student was working at Clarach Bay near Aberystwyth when she was spotted by a showbiz agent last month.

And on October 1, Paula and Stoke-on-Trent-based band Lexx, will set off on the first leg of their tour which will take in Singapore, India, Japan, Malaysia, America and Australia.

The band will live a true rock star lifestyle staying in some of the world's finest five star hotels.

Paula's mum Angela, who appeared on New Faces in Australia during a two year stay there, said: "At first we said she couldn't go -- she is so young, still our baby.

"But it is the chance of a lifetime. She has gone out there and achieved what she set out to do all on her own. "At first we thought she was going to go into acting as she has filmed a documentary and was asked to audition for the BBC, but then this opportunity came up."

Paula hopes this dream trip could help her become an international star and household name like her idols Mariah Carey and boy band Take That.

She said: "I am really looking forward to seeing the world. It is the chance of a lifetime. With the band I sing a lot of nineties cover versions, but I write my own music and when we get to Japan we are having a meeting with Sony with a view to getting a recording contract."

Paula, who previously sang with Manchester girl band Insatiable, has been grooming herself for this day ever since she took to the stage with local amateur dramatic groups when she was just seven years old. The former pupil of Walton High School, Nelson, performed with Burnley and Manchester Youth Theatres, and studied performing arts, theatre studies and dance at Blackburn College.

Lexx's agent Beryl Williams of CLW Enterprises said: "Paula had contacted me in the past and I met her and thought she would be perfect for Lexx. They are a young band and she has got the singing and dancing they need. Now she is going off with them for 12 months -- it is a great opportunity for them all."

Picture: Paula Leeming (right) and left, with her previous band Insatiable - Paula is on the right