MEMORIES of the 'upper-class' rag and bone man, who handed out goldfish and rubber balls, as well as giving treats on his mini merry-go-round to kids who brought him bundles of discarded clothing, have been revived by reader Janet Fenney.

Janet, from Crawford Street, Clock Face looks back with fondness to her days at Allanson Street School, Parr, when the rag-bone man used to make monthly calls, setting up his round-about outside the playground gates.

The happy subject was raised while Janet was chatting with an old Allanson Street fellow pupil from the middle 'fifties and 'sixties . . . "but she can't remember this and claims that I must be dreaming. But I say I am not!"

That's why Janet is inviting any former scholars or members of the staff to back her up.

"Maybe someone can shed further light as to who the ragman was and where he came from," says Janet, "I imagine that he must have gone round to other schools in the area."

Janet particularly remembers the colourful, glittery rubber balls, attached to a length of elastic, which were dished out as a reward for rags. They were especially prized by the little girls and thoughts of how they shot around erratically on their elastic strings still bounce around vividly in Janet's mind.

CAN anyone confirm Janet's story and perhaps add a few extra details? If so, please drop me a line.