RESIDENTS in Bury East have been awarded cash to set up their own version of Ground Force.

A cheque for £2,000 has been presented to the New Springs Community Gardening Project to help people tackle their unruly gardens.

The money will buy gardening equipment such as mowers, clippers and trimmers, which can then be borrowed by locals who are part of the scheme.

Mr Sam Rowe of the New Springs Project Group said: "This will go a long way towards the continuing regeneration of the Springs Estate.

"It will also give local people the opportunity to get involved in activities which will not only have benefits for them but the entire community. A community gardening project will be well-used and have a real impact in our area." The money has come from the area board's Kickstart budget, which each of the borough's six boards awards to small-scale projects suggested by local residents.

Councillor Mike Connolly, Bury East area board chairman, added: "This money is intended to get ideas such as the gardening project, which might otherwise have difficulty obtaining funding, up and running and supporting their local communities.

"Bury East area board still has around £13,000 in its Kickstart Fund and we are looking for more schemes to support.

"Potential projects could be as varied as environmental and disabled access improvements, play areas, crime reduction initiatives, support for local groups, traffic calming, community festivals or art-based activities."

So far the board has funded a summer play scheme at the Mosses Centre, sewing classes at the Asian Women's Centre, environmental improvement works at Gypsy Brook, Chesham Fold and additional street lighting for Mount Pleasant.

Any group which wants to apply for a grant should contact area co-ordinator Jason Crausby on 253 5107.

The next meeting of the Bury East area board is on September 11 at the Seedfield Centre, starting at 7pm.