STITCH in Time duo Cilla Gill and Vera Grimes have been promised practical help to re-start their successful business.

But they are short of a vital piece of equipment which will help things along.

"We need an industrial blind hemmer and wonder if any local company can help us with the loan of one they might not need," said Vera.

Offers of help should be made to Vera on 01942-883790 or with Cilla on 01942-258319.

"Already we have had offers of machinery and cotton to get us started again. We are most grateful to all our friends and customers who have rallied round," said Cilla.

"We are determined to be open as soon as possible," she added.

Cilla spoke of her shock at hearing about the blaze on the early morning news.

"I couldn't believe it. I telephoned Vera and woke her up and we arranged to meet at the shop.

"I really believed we would be going down to clean-up. I never expected to see the devastation.

"We are all one big family at The Boulevard - all friends together. And we have such lovely customers."

And Cilla advised customers to contact their own household insurance company with any queries about lost articles.