A TOP radio DJ has been using a bit of Tower power to keep himself going during a three-day marathon charity broadcast.

Brian Moore, breakfast DJ with Rock FM, has managed to stay on the air for more than 62 hours beneath Blackpool's biggest landmark, and hopefully raised more than £15,000 for local children.

At 11.05pm on August 16, Brian completed his 63rd hour on the radio.

The special station, constructed in the Show Shop in the Tower building, Bank Hey Street (pictured), was home to Brian since he started the show on Monday, August 14.

"It was quite a hi-tech operation to get the studio down here," said Brian, who has been monitored by medics throughout the whole of his challenge.

"We've got all the CDs, mini discs and microphones plus this super computer with a webcam, so I'm on the net day and night.

"I've done this before, but last time we did the marathon show I was moving around all over the place. "The rules are much more stringent this time round and I have to stay in one place and have independent witnesses.

"I also have to talk at the end of every record and I can't have co-hosts."

The money raised is going towards Help a Local Child, a charity which benefits under-privileged children in the North West.

"I'm not saying that I will be able to stay up for the whole 62 hours,and if I do feel myself really flagging then I'll call it a day," said Brian on Monday.

"But I am raising a lot of money for charity so I'll give it my best shot.

"Last year we raised £12,000 and this year we hope to top that.

"I've been given some great tips on how to avoid tiredness.

"I've been told to put my legs above my head, which should be quite amusing -- it's a shame it's not on TV."