When I read the article in the August 3 edition of The Citizen, concerning the the fact that an 82-year-old lady had said she would commit suicide rather than allow anyone to move her out of Kipling Manor, I was sickened and ashamed to be British.

How can Coun George Bancroft, together with all those councillors who voted in favour of the closures, sleep peacefully at night.

It was obvious with their marked absence at the meeting held at the Norbreck Castle they have guilty consciences and are certainly not fit to be councillors.

They are GUTLESS.

To the residents of all these old people's homes -- do not give up the fight!

Remember you are still in residence and as you see by all the letters of support in the newspapers, there are thousands of people backing you -- fight to stay there.

To everyone who supports this battle -- please send a letter of support to ALL the newspapers, radio stations and especially the local MPs, disregard which political party, this is a fight for people who have done nothing except grow old! To the Blackpool Borough Council and especially Alan Cavill, manager of the Blackpool Challenge Partnership -- how could you say that with all these millions the Government recently promised Blackpool, you say you are "making Blackpool a better place for the residents first and foremost."

Of course your idea of making a special tourism centre of excellence for training and skills development is far more important than the welfare of old people, who probably helped in their younger days to make Blackpool as big as it is today.

But of course I forgot they are just old people that cast money to keep.

To Coun Bancroft -- it would take a man to stand up and be counted and dare to propose a reversal of the decision to close the homes, let's see if you have any guts don't just keep sticking pointless letters in the paper saying absolutely nothing -- stand up and be counted!

To all the hoteliers, shopping complexes, large and small companies, let us hear your views and say how far you would be prepared to go to support the campaign to keep these old people's homes open.

To all local newspapers, let us see a list of ALL the Blackpool councillors names, with a note which way each one voted.

Finally, to the residents of all these homes, keep fighting and remember they have to get you out of the homes before they can close them.

Make way for me if you finish up chaining yourselves to the doors.

I am with you all the way!

Good luck and God bless.

Wally Rouse
