WE were pleased that Richard Jones (Letters, September 1) enjoyed both the Mardi Gras and the Corporation Park Arts in the Parks events in Blackburn.

However, perhaps he should have visited the food vendors' catering units and taken time to read the menus in full.

We provided the catering at the 'Arts in the Park' and the menus not only consisted of burgers and chips, but also jacket potatoes with various fillings, vegetarian food and there was a catering unit specialising in Asian food, with a very varied menu.

The foods provided are what the vast majority of the public wanted and, as we discovered, people would be happy to eat chips on their own all day long, despite having a varied menu.

When we ceased doing chips because we could not cope with the demand, people complained and refused to buy anything else.

As a fair sized portion of the profit went to the council to help fund these events, it is very important to cater for what most of the public want.

GILLIAN HAWORTH (Mrs) and colleagues, Food Vendors at 'Arts in the Park 2000,' Blackburn.