CLEANING up Blackpool is indeed a splendid idea, but I think we should be doing it for the right reasons.

In my experience, the average visitor who comes to Blackpool doesn't come for the view, but mainly to party. In fact a good proportion of the visitors who come here don't possess enough brain cells to make a souffl, and let's face it, those visitors who create the mess aren't likely to whinge about it!

My point is that we should be looking closer to home. I refer to the suburbs of the town, i.e. the council estates. I find it incredible that the citizens of this town (and indeed any other), are quite content to live in what can only be described as a pig sty and happily accept the fact that the areas immediately adjacent to their own homes look like rubbish tips. A typical example is at the rear of Lindale Gardens, i.e. the second block of houses (opposite Highfield school) between Endsleigh Gardens and the junction of Kingsmede.

The frontage of these properties is quite clean and tidy (with an odd exception or two), but the back of these is quite a different story.

The green area adjacent to these properties looks like a rubbish tip (black bags full of refuse plus other unmentionables), but what is more incredible is the fact that this has been created by the residents themselves.

I cannot fathom how people seem to think that the world outside their back gate doesn't apply to them. This is what we should be concentrating on. Never mind the visitors!!

Chris Dermott,

Address supplied.