A 28-YEAR-OLD Burnley man told a court of his missing hours after a night out in Blackburn.

Darren Bailey said he could remember virtually nothing after leaving a pub at 10.30pm until he woke up in a police cell minus his shirt, wallet, watch and all his money.

And he told Blackburn magistrates that two days after the incident he was black and blue all over and was having trouble breathing.

Bailey, of Bratt Street, Burnley, admitted a breach of the peace and was bound over to keep the peace for 12 months. A charge of drunk and disorderly was withdrawn.

Tom Snape, prosecuting, said the police found Bailey in a distressed state at 2.30am. He said he could not find his way to the town centre and asked the officers to give him a lift. When they refused he became abusive and then walked in the road towards oncoming traffic. When he again refused to heed the police advice and continued to be abusive he was arrested.

Bailey, who was not represented, said he only knew the prosecution version of events as a result of attending court.

He said he had a vague recollection of being lost on an industrial estate and the police speaking to him but nothing more.