SHOP owner Kanchad Patel was back behind the counter today after being robbed at knife point by two masked men.

Mrs Patel, 38, who runs a corner general grocery store in Florence Street, Burnley, said: "I was shocked rather than terrified.

"They were not aggressive or abusive but they pointed a 12-inch kitchen knife at me and said they wanted money from the till.

"I handed it over, it can be a bit rough up here and you don't know what might happen. It was all a bit of a shock."

Mrs Patel has run the shop for four years.

She was behind the counter at 12.05pm yesterday when the two men wearing black balaclavas over their faces went in and after threatening Mrs Patel escaped with £90.

Det Sgt Steve Mounsey said: "A witness has reported seeing two young men leaning on railings in front of the shop apparently waiting for the shop to become empty of customers.

"One of them is described as being aged 19/20, 6ft tall with fair short hair. He was wearing headphones, a three-quarter length cream coat and what may have been a lime green baseball cap.

The other man is thought to have been wearing a dark jacket.

Police are carrying out inquiries in the Accrington Road area today.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Burnley CID on 01282 472144 or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.