HOPES of an end to strike action by First Manchester bus drivers have been dashed.

A ballot of around 1,750 employees on rejected the latest offer made by the firm.

Now the timetable of strikes, temporarily shelved on Friday (Sept 15) and yesterday (Sept 18) because of the fuel crisis, is back on.

The next days of disruption are scheduled for Friday September 29 and Monday October 2.

Bus chiefs were optimistic that their new offer on pay and conditions would meet agreement with the workforce.

Operations Director Russell Gard, said: "We are very disappointed. Throughout the final phases of the recent negotiations, we put a great amount of effort into finding a solution acceptable to both parties.

"We really thought we had made a breakthrough when the union negotiators agreed to recommend the latest offer be accepted.

"However, there appears to have been a u-turn and the offer was rejected. This result takes up back to the drawing board."

He added: "We are now taking a few days to reflect on the outcome of the ballot and the options available."

A spokesman for the Transport and General Workers Union said: "We voted by 8 to 1 to reject the latest offer. The major sticking point was the increased hours.

"As things stand, the industrial action dates the company has been notified of will happen unless there is a negotiated settlement beforehand."