CARING Angela Murray has proved that she is a chip off the old block.

She's being selected to undertake a 12-month community voluntary project with disabled and unemployed people in Hungary.

The 22-year-old from Elgin Avenue, Garswood, is following in the footsteps of her dad, Alan, who spent a year in Africa teaching underprivileged children with the Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) organisation.

Angela, who has just completed a degree in history and modern European studies at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk, will spend the next 12 months based at the Bethel Foundation in the town of Bekescsaba where she will help teach English. She will also teach basic life skills and group therapy, promoting the idea of volunteerism within the local community and researching potential fund-raising opportunities to pay for a planned exchange trip.

She told the Star: "My dad's experiences have made me want to do something worthwhile to help the community as well as see a bit of the world into the bargain."

Angela, who also has two older brothers, Ian (30) and Steven (29), is now brushing up on her Hungarian and preparing for her flight tomorrow (Friday).

And she has promised to keep Star readers informed of her progress through a series of letters.