IN reply to comments in your last week's edition of your newspaper in the article covering the demonstration drive around Lancaster by local hauliers, farmers, taxi-drivers and several small business people in which I was privileged to take part.

One of our local MPs Mr Hilton Dawson has made comments but does not appear to have got the reason why the protests have taken place, not only in our area, but also throughout the country. The reason for the demonstrations was to object to the high cost of fuel in this country caused by taxation.

Gordon Brown states categorically that he will not reduce the taxation on fuel. Mr Tony Blair says that emergency services were put at risk, yet it is reported locally that the ambulance service hold four weeks supply of fuel. Two Jags John Prescott says that there is a democratic way to resolve these matters, How? New Labour is not listening to our complaints.

Instead they blame the OPEC countries for the increase in fuel prices. If this is so, where do our neighbouring countries in Europe get their fuel from in order to pay far less than we do? Have they got their own oil like we have from the North Sea?

Large fleet hauliers have to register their vehicles abroad to combat the competition from the European hauliers. When our hauliers enter the European Countries, they have to pay the toll charges set in Europe; The European hauliers pay nothing to enter this country, why?

Hilton Dawson's job will be on the line at the next General Election, just as people in the transport industry are facing now. What will be his answer to the public if we lose the transport industry in this country through the high prices imposed by the Government that he is part of. A position where they state when they want our votes that they will look to the interests of their constituents. Are you doing that Mr Dawson? Others and I think not.

Jim Harrison Morecambe