NEW pupils at a Blackburn school will never be short of something to do.

For youngsters at Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School put on an exhibition of their clubs and societies to show newcomers what is on offer.

The scheme, in its fourth year, was organised by head of first year Mike Russell, and involves all new pupils signing up for a two-week trial of at least one of the 15 extra-curricula activities.

There is a variety of clubs ranging from music societies and table tennis to basketball and a train club.

Mr Russell said: "It's always a great success and it's the kids who do the marketing for their club which makes it more appealing to prospective members."

Picture: New students Andrew Whalley (left) and Bhavesh Patel try out instruments at an exhibition staged by the school's clubs and societies watched by music teacher Chris Gill (second from left) and head of music Geoff Hill.