HOW do you choose the particular commercial property you need to carry on your business?

This is not as simple a question as you might think. The answer has many facets, including the sheer matter of economy. Will your business, in fact, support the cost of new commercial premises?

Selecting the right premises at an economical rent is probably the most important consideration that can be made by the owner of an embryo business.

It will be difficult because, although the person in question may be an expert in his or her line of country, the sheer economics of renting, maintaining, running and the legal costs incurred in acquiring, may be way outside the terms of reference of many a would-be entrepreneur.

The need for informed expert advice is therefore paramount before that new business can take up residence and begin trading in a profitable way. Talk to the commercial agent who is marketing the property, for although he will want to get it off his books, his advice will certainly not stop there.

From experience he will have an excellent idea of what the businessman must face and will advise accordingly. He could even help further by searching for and finding cheaper premises that can be leased on very short term agreements.

You can also seek advice from your bank manager, who will probably discuss the feasibility of the move in direct relationship with the existing or proposed turnover of the firm and then point the inquirer in the direction of the branch's small business adviser.

Talking over the matter with an accountant, will raise the question of finances of the firm, while the firm's solicitor is another who can advise. He or she will have to be involved in the drawing up and scrutinising of lease agreements and will know after just one reading of the terms, the possible pitfalls the businessman may face.