A WOMAN who called for the installation of dog waste bins in Leigh has been told the idea wouldn't work.

The council, responding to a Journal story, said that while dog bins were a very good idea, initial trials proved they were "little used".

Bob Saunders, Director of Environmental Health and Consumer Protection, said: "The council has considered this option carefully and in its trials, found that dog waste bins were little used and regrettably vandalised within a very short period.

"The cost of installing, emptying and maintaining dog bins right across the borough would be very considerable, and so, at present, we have no plans for pursuing this option.

"However, it is in line with official government advice that people, when they clean up after their dogs using a poop-a-scoop or plastic bag, should seal or tie the bag carefully, and either take it home or, if need be, place it in an ordinary litter bin."