YOUNG Mr Pinder appears to be confused in his defence or condemnation of the EU (Letters, October 26).

As regards decimalisation, Britain applied for EEC membership as early as 1961 but was vetoed by France in 1963-67.

Application was again made in 1971, the same year decimalisation took place in Britain. Coincidence or condition of entry? Membership took place January 1973.

Conclusion: no decimalisation, no membership.

The EU force many unwanted rules on us as well as metrification that the elderly find hard to understand, thereby discriminating against us.

Not bringing our state pension in line with Europe is further discrimination, as Mr Pinder claims.

If Mr Pinder was 75 his assessment of the elderly would be based on experience not on conjecture.

A 75-year-old knows what its like to be 61, does a 61-year-old know what its like to be 75?

A SEDGWICK (Mr), Lyndhurst Avenue, Blackburn.