SO, conjoined twins Jodie and Mary are now separated: Jodie lives and Mary dies. Our hearts must surely go out to the parents of these children and to all who have had any part in this heart-breaking story.

When the story broke it was described as "a moral and ethical dilemma" and it certainly is. But it is more.

The parents, devout Roman Catholics, did not want the operation on their daughters on religious grounds. It appears that these religious objections were brushed aside.

The media only ever spoke of the ethical and moral dilemma. What happened to the religious dilemma of the parents? Did anyone consider that? If they did, it clearly did not carry sufficient weight to be taken seriously. Eventually, the parents had no alternative but to co-operate.

This procedure was life-taking, not life-saving and, like abortion and euthanasia, had strong religious implications. Faiths other than Christianity may also have serious reservations about such procedures.

These religious implications must be given equal consideration with any moral and ethical considerations. Because life is God-given and supremely precious, it is not ours to take.