UP to 300 new jobs could be created in the town following the news that planning officials have approved outline proposals which would result in a major new supermarket being built on the site currently occupied by St Helens Glass.

The planning application was for a change of use from industrial to retail on the land between Atlas Street, Pocket Nook Street and Corporation Street.

Leeds-based Sterling Capital Plc & Shirehouse Developments Ltd. plan to create a 5,574-metre Class A retail unit with parking for up to 537 cars, a petrol filling station and a pub/restaurant with additional car parking.

There would also be improved access and the area surrounding St Helens Canal would be landscaped.

Work on the site is likely to start next year when the existing industrial units, including ones currently being used by St Helens Glass and a car sales building, are likely to be demolished.

Michael Armstrong, speaking on behalf of Sterling Capital, told the Star: "We are delighted at St Helens Council's decision to approve the proposals, particularly as they will play a vital role in securing the future of St Helens Glass, who were already looking to re-locate to a new site elsewhere in the borough.

"All the necessary examinations and risk assessments have now taken place on the land and once the development is completed, it will almost certainly result in new jobs within the town."

Tom Sykes, the managing director and chairman of St Helens Glass, added: "We are currently looking at a number of new sites within St Helens with a view to re-locating. The company's intention over the next few years is to increase its output but this isn't possible from our present location, so it is good news that Sterling Capital are interested in taking over the land.