WHEN her dog died in April last year at the age of 13 heartbroken Lisa Fairhurst had no one to talk to about her loss.

Laddie, her boxer-border collie cross, had been her best friend and constant companion through good times and bad.

The 31-year-old mum-of-three searched for a counselling service for someone who wouldn't tell her "Oh he's just a dog".

There were none, so Lisa, of Scott Street, Leigh, decided SHE would become the one person that people could talk to.

She wrote to a national newspaper and within minutes on the day of publication she was inundated with phone calls from bereaved and distraught owners from all over the country.

As a result Lisa has set up a national helpline, The Rainbow Bridge Society, and recently published her first newsletter, which she has sent to 40 people already on her mailing list.

She wrote to TV's "Mr Animal Hospital" Rolf Harris, who said he was sad to have to turn down her request to become a patron because of his already extensive charity work and TV recording commitments.

But he sent her best wishes for the future with her "splendid organisation".

She is now appealing for donations from companies or individuals willing to help her support network.

Lisa said: "Laddie had been my friend since I was 18 and seen me through both divorce and the loss of a baby. People have counsellors to help with human death, but people are thought to be a bit daft if they are grieving about a pet. On the day my letter was published I was snowed under.

"When Laddie died I was so upset, but I couldn't talk about it because people would laugh. On the phone I had people crying to me and I cried with them. I have kept in touch with many of those who rang in and I heard from some of those who were spending their first festive period without their pets over Christmas. It was lovely. I am just framing pictures of one of my 80-year-old contact's cats to send for his birthday this week. Peter Conning lives in Cornwall and lost his 17-year-old cat Kitchy in September. I want to thank him for his kind donation."

Lisa's first newsletter contains poems and pictures about lost pals, a did you know column -- and the letter from Rolf.

She said: "I plan to issue a letter every three months. At the moment I am financing it myself, but I have received welcome small donations.

"One came for £4 from an old lady in Southampton and most are from the elderly. Any money I receive will be used for the society and if there is any left over it will go to Petsearch or other animal charities." Lisa can be contacted on 01942 609875 or by e-mail at lisafl@activemail.co.uk