A PUB which appears to have all the answers is living up to its billing as the Manchester United of the local quiz league.

And the question being posed by regulars at the Rose and Crown, in Starling, is just how many more titles their quiz team can notch up.

The squad is celebrating the awarding of the Bury Times Quiz League trophy.

Continuing where they left off from last time, the Rose and Crown currently tops the Bury and District Quiz League and are looking to retain their success.

The similarity between the pub team and Manchester United is quite uncanny. For team captain Phil Musgrove has been using a squad system for years. With ten players to call on, Phil has to keep his squad on the boil. And he manages this brilliantly, as last year's league championship and this season's unbeaten run proves.

Licensees Amanda and Denis Balmbra are not team members but they play their part in providing excellent sustenance to their team's brain power in the shape of a varied selection of foodstuffs.

Two of the squad are Jane and Mark Woodward, a husband and wife combination. But because Jane is so good, Mark has to stay at home to look after the baby, which proves Jane is the strongest link.

However, the star of the team is Wallace "Wally" Warrington whose knowledge rivals the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

The full list of Rose and Crown squad players is: Jane Woodward, Ann Thompson, Wallace Warrington, Terry Brierley, George Baxter, Bob Selby, Steve Sprigg, Phil Musgrove, Mark Woodward and Martin Shaw.