PHOTOGRAPHER Bernadette Briers was a total nicotine addict for 14 years.

Sadly during that time she had two early miscarriages -- which she blames on her smoking habit.

So when she became pregnant for a third time last year she decided that this time she just had to give up the dreaded weed for the sake of her much wanted unborn child.

It was anything but easy. She tried everything on the market, patches and gum, even cutting down, but nothing worked. She was too far gone.

Then she saw a Journal story on Golborne hypnotherapist Karl Morris and decided to give treatment a go -- and it worked.

She stubbed out her last cigarette as she approached his Apple Dell Avenue home on November 4 -- and hasn't touched one since.

Bernadette, 33, said: "Karl's my hero. I was a total addict and he's cured me."

Bernadette, who lives off Newton Road, Lowton, said she didn't start smoking properly until she was 19 when she came under pressure from a boyfriend.

She said: "I never smoked at school and none of my family were smokers. I'm not an addictive person, but after that first cigarette I turned into such a smoker. I was like a chimney.

"I got through 20 sometimes 30 a day, and couldn't stop even when I became pregnant. I knew I had to give up, but the more I thought about it the harder it became. When I found out I was pregnant this time I knew I had to act and decided to go and see Karl.

"I came out an hour later feeling so relaxed. I felt great. Now if someone lights up it doesn't bother me. I feel like I did when I was 18 before I ever smoked.

"Looking back I was a total addict. I was a slave to tobacco for 14 years despite the fact that it is a danger to health. I would light up the first minute I got up and would never let myself run out."