THE hunt was on today to uncover the identity of the guilty Blackburn scholar who has returned a library book -- 27 years late.

Staff at St Mary's College were amazed to discover a dog-eared dictionary in the post from the mystery old boy.

With it was a brief note of contrition, saying simply: "I borrowed this book from Lynch. Sorry for its late return."

The anonymous author has also promised to make amends. "If you post the amount of the fine overdue on the St Mary's College website, I'll consider the consequences," he added.

Sarah Flanagan, head of marketing at the college, said there were few clues as to the identity of the forgetful borrower, apart from a Liverpool postmark.

School records show that the book was last issued to a Christopher Lynch in the 1973-74 school year.

"The book is falling to pieces," said Sarah. "We certainly want to track down the person who has returned the dictionary. He has been living with his guilt for 27 years so I am sure he will want to do the right thing and pay the appropriate penalty."

And how much will the fine be?

" Our mathematicians are still working on that, " she added. "Now what is one penny per day, compounded over 27 years?....." The mystery man will, in fact, have to fork out £99 for the fine.

Christopher Lynch can rule himself out of inquiries by naming and shaming the boy who borrowed his dictionary back in 1974. Telephone newsdesk: 01254 678678.