I SALUTE a gutsy lady.

She was perusing the racks in the NCH shop in Bradshawgate when she felt a hand on her handbag.

She turned round and whacked the young suspect around the head.

The lad and his gobby female sister protested profusely, she screaming loudly that he was only 12 and had not tried to pick the customer's handbag.

They threatened to bring mother who was in a nearby shop.

They left the premises shouting for, I presume, an imaginary mum.

What were they doing in the town centre shop during school hours if they were up to any good?

Obviously the recent truancy clampdown needs extending. But well done to the would-be victim who gave him a smacker.

I know it shouldn't be condoned, but if more misbehaving youngsters were given a belt round the earhole they might get a bit more sense knocked into them.

You can get past trying to talk reason into some people.