THE closure of the northern end of Chorley's Market Street has neared after a public inquiry agreed with the measure.

Chorley Council's proposals were put on hold after a number of objections forced the investigation, but they are now free to plan ahead.

The public inquiry inspector said in his report that pedestrianising the street would help maintain the shopping area, but judged that access must still be given to public transport.

Councillor John Wilson, Chorley Council Leader, said: "We are obviously pleased that the inspector has found so overwhelmingly in favour of our own aspirations for the future of Market Street and the long term objectives that the closure of the northern end is all about.

"We have regard to his comments about buses and bullion vehicles being given access.

"But we are still concerned about the safety of pedestrians in the area."

The council will now consider the report and make a decision on its recommendations.