PARACHUTISTS use parachutes, bungee jumpers use rubber "ropes" but what do scad divers use?

The answer, as visitors to Stacksteads fun day will discover, is nothing.

They free fall 150 feet into a large frame surrounded by air tanks and known as a scad.

Theattraction will be at Riverside Park Group's fun day on Sunday, June 10.

Skyborne UK organises the diving experience which has been featured on television's 'Don't Try This At Home'.

The diver and dive master are raised in a cage to 160 feet. The bottom hatch is opened and the diver lowered three feet before being released.

Sponsors and divers are needed to raise money for favourite charities.

Cost is £40 a dive but can be funded by raising £100 sponsorship with £60 going to the charity of your choice.

Events secretary, Kay Barcroft, said she was sure it would be a big attraction but they wanted more people to register for the dive which cost £2,500 to hire.

Divers must be over 14 years of age and divers over 55 will need a signed doctor's certificate and under 17-year-olds must be accompanied on the day by a parent or guardian.

For a sponsorship form can contact Christine Lamb on 01706 874614 or 01706 874218.