THERE is a disturbing trend very evident in our country today, a lack of national pride in everything that stands for Britain.

Not least, is the denial of our national flag, the emblem of our country. This denial has recently been compounded by the agreement of Ivan Lewis to the latest government proposal to inflict fines on anyone showing the Union flag on their vehicles rather than the EU emblem.

There is no shame, Mr Lewis, in supporting and defending one's national heritage as embodied in our country's flag and I applaud Nicola le Page for standing up to be counted on this issue.

I urge all who call themselves British to follow her example by voting for her, thereby retaining something of our national identity, before Tony Blair and his cronies, such as Ivan Lewis, concede everything to Brussels. Too much has already been handed over.

For goodness sake, let us fly our flag with pride. We are being made to appear spineless by subordination to Europe.