LOTTERY millionaire Kath Brindle liked her local pub so much she bought the lease -- and those of two others.

Kath, who scooped more than £2million in 1995, has taken over the running of the Swan Hotel, in Astley Gate, in Blackburn town centre which opened on Friday night after a £20,000 refit.

With business partner Stephen Wilkinson, Kath has also invested in the Boulevard and the Atlantic Hotel, in Mosley Street.

Fellow millionaire pub-owner Margo Grimshaw said she welcomed the competition.

She said: "I think its much better that well-known local people are investing in the town. Big companies take their money away from towns. People like me and Kath Brindle like to invest in Blackburn.

"I have always got on with Kath and it's good to see her placing money locally."

Geoff Sutcliffe, chairman of Blackburn's Licence Victuallers' Association, also welcomed the news.

He said: "I believe the pub is having a face-lift and good luck to Kath and her business associates. Pubs need to adapt to survive and the town centre caters more for the younger market."

Although Kath is behind the ventures, she will not actually be the licensee at any of the premises.

Andrea Bennett has the day to day running of the Boulevard while Kerry Greenhalgh is to look after the Swan. Stephen's mother Emmy Parkinson has the Atlantic.