WHY do people get pets and then become tired of them? Having lost their interest in the pet, they push it out to live in the back yard or garden, gradually giving it less and less attention.

Where does neglect end and cruelty begin? Could they not find the pet a new home, or let someone else do it?

These animals not only suffer from physical damage but mental damage as well!

If you are this type of owner, do the kind thing and find the animal a new home.

If you know of such an animal, telephone the RSPCA Inspectors on 0870 5555 999. Your details will be kept anonymous.

Pets deserve love and attention, and no-one makes you own a pet. Why get one and then neglect it?

These situations are becoming more and more common as we live in a throwaway society. Neglect and cruelty to humans or to animals is wrong and it is the duty of very decent, right minded person to put it right.

W Witts (Miss), Goldsboro Avenue, Blackpool.