THE recent World Athletics Championships in Edmonton, Canada, once more revealed the weaknesses of our athletes.

The disgraceful performances of some of the people representing this country suggests to me that the controlling body does not do such a good job. They sent a runner who had not even reached the necessary standard while a number of others developed illness or injury. Let's face it, they enjoyed the "holiday".

In this country we spend a considerable amount of money to enable our professional athletes to train in a suitable climate and altitude. Then after all this they don't even compete.

Yet at the same time, our local amateur athletics club, like so many others in this country, has to struggle on without help, financially or otherwise, from the national associations or the local authority. They even have to pay for their very poor facilities and also affliliation fees.

Young people come along to Radcliffe Athletics Club, sometimes with parents who, when they see the cinder track and the lack of facilities, conclude that it is not for them or their children!

It means another addition to the "street gangs" and the loss of a another potential British medal winner.


Radcliffe Sports

Advisory Council,

Radcliffe Athletics Club.