REGARDING the leaking subway on Blackburn Station, it is totally unacceptable for it to be left in this condition. The damage being caused by the seeping water is already visible and is obviously going to get worse.

A scheme which has cost such a large amount of money should not be finished until this problem is cured. The people of Blackburn have had to make do with an old, damp station for as long as I can remember and it is about time that we had something to be proud of.

I remember when the station frontage was refurbished and the listed building and canopy were floodlit, how smart it all looked. However, once the bulbs started to fail we were gradually allowed back into darkness.

Will the bulbs ever be replaced? Will the clock ever show the right time, apart from once every 12 hours? And will the leak be fixed before we have groups of caving enthusiasts coming to look at our stalactites.

It's about time someone took responsibility and sorted this mess out. So, come on, Railtrack and First North Western.

ANTHONY KIRBY, Heys Close, Blackburn.