THERE has been a debate in Burnley in recent months about the nature of the British National Party vote -- whether these voters are racists, fascists or just misguided, disaffected Labour voters. Will we ever know?

While talking to people in the Trinity area of Burnley I was encouraged by the many positive anti-racist views from residents and, on more than one occasion, people offered explanations of why their colleagues or friends had voted for the BNP -- They felt they had been misinformed and were unaware of the policies of the BNP.

We were a large group of anti-racists talking to ordinary people who expressed views ranging from "we would never vote for a fascist party" to "there is no place for racists in Burnley."

The future for Burnley lies in the hands and votes of ordinary people and, I for one, feel positive that the majority of people in Burnley want to live peacefully in a multi-cultural community.

PAULINE FARRELL (address supplied)