AFRICAN conmen used a company's web site in an attempted $27million scam.

E-mails sent to Renault dealers Bury Motors offered to transfer millions to the company's coffers in return for a percentage of the cash.

But bosses of the Rochdale Road firm realised that the e-mails were nothing more than a crude bid to obtain its banking details.

One of the messages was sent from Sierra-Leone by someone claiming to be Mr Ignatus Ego who says he inherited $23million on the death of his father.

He said he wanted the "assistance of a foreigner" to help to transfer the money out of the country.

He added: "The foreigner will open a domiciliary account in his favour here for onward transfer to his designated overseas account where this money will be properly invested." Mr Ego says that if Bury Motors was willing to take part in the transaction, then the company would stand to gain 25 per cent of the total amount.

A second e-mail was posted on the web site by Dr Lem Kanayo of Togo, West Africa, who claims to be a top bank official wishing to transfer a sum of $14million to a foreign account.

He says the money had lain dormant in the bank following the death of the account holder.

And he added: "On smooth conclusion of this transaction, you will be entitled to 30 per cent of the total sum."

Dr Kanayo added: "I got your impressive information through my good friends who work with the chamber of commerce on foreign business relations here."

That reference has caused some worry to Mr Peter Lomas, business manager with Bury Motors.

"When I hear of the chamber of commerce and business advisers being mentioned, this does cause me some concern.

"What alarms me is that other businesses less aware might be fooled."

Mr Lomas was already aware of the scam, which in the past has taken the form of letters sent through the post.

"It looks as if these people are getting smarter and I suppose the aim is to trap the gullible.

"It's the first time I've seen these sent as e-mails. It seems they want to get information about banking details."

He has informed Bolton and Bury Chamber of the e-mails and urges any other local companies in receipt of such missives just to ignore them.