RESIDENTS who campaigned to prevent a new gospel mission hall being built behind their houses in Barnoldswick heard the news they had been waiting for when councillors refused the plans.

But their celebrations have been cut short by the knowledge that the Barnoldswick Gospel Mission may appeal against the decision.

Despite planning officers' recommendations that plans to replace the existing hut behind Hollins Road with a bigger hall should be approved, members of the West Craven Committee listened to the concerns of neighbours and turned it down.

They believed the building, which would have 368 square metres of floor space instead of the current 133 square metre area, would be out of keeping with the surrounding area.

Mother-of-two Louisa Holgate, of Hollins Road, said the residents were not able to get excited about the outcome because of their worry about an appeal.

Mrs Holgate, whose husband Paul spoke at the meeting said: " I've been so worked up about this and I just wish it was over.

"It was good that it was refused but We will just have to see how it goes now. I think they will appeal because they have spent a lot of money on planning it so they aren't just going to give up. But when it's affecting you're lives it's difficult.

"I live at the bottom of Hollins Road and we bought this house for the view really which would go if this two-storey building was built. The other concerns are that cars already speed up the road and back street which is dangerous and children play on this grass and are not happy it may be taken away."

A petition against the plans containing more than 100 names was submitted to the council, along with 12 letters of objection on the grounds that the new church hall would increase existing parking problems, would not be in character with the surrounding gardens, would devalue properties and generate extra noise.

They suggested that the mission should use alternative premises.

But Pastor of the Mission, Paul Standley, said he can see no reason why an appeal should not be made against the refusal decision.

He said: "There is a procedure of appeal we can go through and we have seen no reason why we shouldn't do so. It was actually recommended for approval.

"We have moved the building round in the plans so that the highest part of it is as far away as possible from Hollins Road and we feel it is quite a fitting shape and would be a benefit to the whole town and to the Valley Gardens. We have concerns for the residents around there and hope it will be a blessing for them to have a church near them."