THE Bury Times has certainly proved it means business!

For the newspaper threw open the doors of its new offices in the town's Market Street to host the latest monthly meeting of Bury Business Club.

About 15 members attended the meeting and were welcomed by Margaret McLoughlin, general manager of the Bury Times Group.

Taking to the floor, she highlighted each of the group's five titles, giving details of circulation and other information useful for businessmen and women.

Guest speaker was someone who certainly wasn't daunted by the prospect of addressing the meeting. For Mrs Patricia McKenna is a public speaking consultant. During her presentation, she disclosed the "secrets" of successful public speaking.

Her advice to novices was to show enthusiasm, pitch the volume to suit the room, pause for effect, give visual contact and expression and meaningful gestures and, most of all, be yourself.

She told the guests: "Nervousness is natural but can be overcome in several ways. However, it is essential if you are to make a good presentation to prepare well and have confidence in your ability.

"Be prepared to answer questions. Don't be afraid to use notes as an aide memoire. Don't read from them, or you'll lose your audience."

Club chairman Mr Stephen Singer introduced the business of the evening. Guests also enjoyed a buffet.

The next Bury Business Club meeting will be held in the newly opened Village Hotel at the Waterfold Park, in Heap Bridge, on Thursday, September 27.