READING through the paper, I was amazed at the letter you printed from Mr Jones. Obviously this man has had a sudden onset of senile dementia or simply doesn't keep up with change.

Women today, Mr Jones, are not tied to the kitchen sink, they choose to do things with their lives. Maybe you should continue to travel if you are so disappointed with the ladies in Blackburn.

I have lived in Lancashire all my life (I'm only 36) and yes, there are people who decide not to take care of themselves, but this also can be said of the female and also the male. You are not a breed on your own.

Regarding appearance, I am no oil painting and wouldn't try to be. I am a full-time working mum who sometimes does let things slip. We ladies don't always feel like doing ourselves up every time we go on an outing.

So, Mr Jones, I suggest you keep your male chauvinistic comments, which I thought had gone out with Noah's Ark, and ladies of Blackburn take no notice.

You are who you are.

S MAYNARD (Mrs), Havelock Close, Blackburn.