VOLUNTEER drivers are needed to help promote awareness of the Christie Hospital across the North West - and there is a particular shortage of drivers for the Darwen area.

A compact mobile information unit is used extensively by fund-raising teams both to generate cash and to market the acclaimed NHS cancer centre.

But the number of drivers available to tow it does not match demand for the unit at venues such as country fairs, festivals and events staged by fund-raisers themselves.

Regional Appeals officer, Jacky Plant said: "The unit is invaluable. It houses information stands, lots of literature about the hospital's work, display space for the sale of cuddly toys and shelter from the elements for our hard-working fund-raisers.

"We would like to hear particularly from drivers in Darwen whose cars are fitted with a towbar.

"The unit is easy to manoeuvre and can be pushed into position."

Contact the Appeals Office on 0161 446 3988 or e-mail appeal@christies.org