REGARDING the Rotweiller dog biting a man in Witton Park, Blackburn (LET, September 29), I too walk my dog there daily and am very careful to avoid this dog and the woman owner in question, having had one or two frights myself.

Everyone I see has something to say about 'near dos' with the same dog or, worse, had to put up with dog fights.

There is a simple solution to the matter -- the dog should be muzzled or always kept on a lead, though I doubt whether the owner would be able to hold on to it, as the dog is very large, a big strong male.

You know yourself if you have a completely safe dog, or not. It's not worth the risk to others, especially young children or puppies, to even consider letting it run loose anywhere at any time.

This dog is a serious risk which should be stopped now before something dreadful happens, and the dog has to be destroyed.

Name and address received.