IT would appear that there is shortly to be a new crime added to the law books; that of discriminating against someone because of their religious beliefs. The mind boggles at the possibilities this can open to anyone with an active sense of mischief and imagination.

Of course, it depends on what it is decided is a religion, and, knowing the way religious fraternity zealously guards its own form of beliefs, the crimes will be restricted to the so-called "established" ideologies.

This will be a very limited, but I am sure someone will find a religion that allows one to have some fun. How about one that incorporates in its beliefs the doctrine that allows one to ignore speed limits? The police could then be prosecuted if they arrested such a 'believer' for speeding.

Being an atheist and having no respect for any of form of religion, I assume that I will be either immune to prosecution or permanently locked up.

L LAWES, Bold Street, Blackburn.