EAST Lancashire's Muslim community today backed the strikes against Afghanistan -- as long as the innocent are spared.

Terrorist leader Osama bin Laden claimed that 'every Muslim should support his religion' and that the attacks were a 'fight against Islam in the name of fighting terrorism'.

But those claims were violently at odds with East Lancashire's Muslim community, who echoed Tony Blair's words that the strikes were 'not a war with Islam' and that bin Laden's actions were 'contrary to the teachings of the Koran.'

Abdul Hamis Qureshi, secretary general of the Lancashire Council of Mosques, said: "This has been expected.

"This is the first phase of action and we don't know what will happen yet.

"We support all the actions which are responsible against those who carried out the attacks in America.

"That support is there as long as precautions are taken."

Councillor Rafique Malik, deputy leader of Burnley Council, said: "It was on the cards.

"There was no surprise in it.

"I hope they make sure they don't kill innocent people and that the Taliban come to their senses and hand over Osama bin Laden to be tried by international court so no more innocent people are killed in the strikes or future strikes.

"I think the whole world tried its best to persuade them during the last three or four weeks and they should pay heed to world opinion."

He added that many refugees from Afghanistan had made East Lancashire their home.