AN HISTORIC war memorial featuring the names of local war heroes, which was removed when Lancaster's Waring & Gillow building was turned into Liquid nightclub, could be rehoused in the city's Judges Lodging.

Moves are afoot to put the Gillow War Memorial in a special room dedicated to the historic Gillow family room at the Judges' Lodgings.

Local businessman Trevor Bargh has applied for listed buildings consent to move the memorial and he said: "It's in storage at the moment and has been restored as it was in quite a poor condition when it was removed.

"A nightclub did not seem an appropriate place for it and the general feeling is that the Judges' Lodgings will be a better home for it."

Mr John Rayment of the County's Museums Service said: "We have a Gillow gallery full of Gillow furniture and family history and we feel it will be wholly appropriate to have the memorial there."