A SIX-WEEK arthritis self-help course which was set up in response to demand from Blackburn sufferers still has places to fill with a week to go before it starts.

The charity Arthritis Care in Blackburn organised the course after getting a steady stream of requests from local people to learn more about pain relief, relaxation and living with the painful condition.

But after organising the event, including sending local volunteer Joyce Langlands on a training course to run the course with colleague Paulette West, there are still 12 spaces left for the event, which starts on October 31.

Joyce, a part-time volunteer who has rheumatoid arthritis, said: "We get lots of requests from people on how to deal with arthritis, and we really set it up because there was obviously a need for it.

"It will deal with all sorts of self-help tips for sufferers and, we hope, the course will become a regular thing."

The self-help course, which needs 20 people to take part, will deal with everything from relaxation tips, exercise and healthy eating will run every Wednesday until December 5 at the Masonic Hall in Blackburn.

It is hoped the event will be repeated every four months. It costs £2 per person per session. For details ring 01254 693679.