CONGRATULATIONS to J P Hayhurst (Sport Letters, October 16) for still remembering the exact dates of the two Rovers' wins over Burnley last season.

Yes, we Burnley fans, including Stephen Cummings, were all gutted by the two results -- especially as my in-laws are Rovers' fans.

But the joy of staying up more than made up for it, and this was from a team which has not had some rich fan taking over, and spending millions trying to get us up to the Premiership.

It was all done by excellent management from Stan Ternent and excellent teamwork which helped us lay foundations for a better season this season.

So, Mr Hayhurst, get your fixture diary ready for next season, because you'll have two more Rovers v Clarets results to put in there -- hopefully, a bit closer this time though.

P WALMSLEY, Bury Road, Haslingden.