PEOPLE in the Chorley area are being urged to join in the 76th anniversary celebrations of Lancashire Day at a special breakfast.

The event, on Tuesday, November 27, marks the date in 1925 when Edward I summoned the county's first elected representatives to the model Parliament in Westminster.

Organised by the Friends of Real Lancashire (FORL), it aims to remind people that despite changes to council boundaries, legally the traditional county boundaries still exist.

"Our campaign to promote the true identity of Lancashire is not mere sentimentality," said FORL chairman Chris Dawson.

"Like Magna Carta, or the Tower of London, Lancashire is an important part of our national heritage.

It bears witness to 900 years of settlement, social and commercial development and the conflicts and geography which have shaped our history."

A champagne breakfast has been arranged to mark the day at 10am on Saturday at The Pines Hotel, Clayton-le-Woods. For further details call 262719.