RADCLIFFE will come under starter's orders next Thursday (Nov 29) when the possible future uses of the town's Cams Lane running track will be discussed.

In fact sports and recreation will figure strongly at the next meeting of the Radcliffe Area Board as other topics to be raised include an outline sports strategy for the town and a discussion on Radcliffe Borough Football Club.

Also to be debated is the youth strategy for Radcliffe, with some early information about a special consultation day to be held early in December and there will also be a look at crime and disorder.

Councillor Barry Briggs, Area Board chairman, said: "We will also be touching on the council's review of primary school places, looking at further Kickstart funding applications, debating the delivery of the Radcliffe Local Community Plan and the possibility of the Area Board providing a wreath to be placed each year on Remembrance Sunday." Included in the evening is the usual 45 minute open forum where the public can raise any other local issues

Prior to the start of the meeting, which will be held in Radcliffe Civic Suite on Thomas Street and begins at 7pm, there will be a display of the design of the proposed Radcliffe Marketmuseum on show in the foyer at the Civic Hall. Copies of the agenda will be available on the night, or they can be obtained in advance from David Hanson on 0161-253-5131.

For further information about the Area Board and its workings, contact Area Co-ordinator, Ros Glover on 0161-253-5107.