MEDALS are in the sights of top table tennis ace Andrea Holt again.

The 31-year-old former England number one is considering a bid to compete in next summer's Commonwealth Games, most of which are taking place in Manchester.

Andrea, who has also made a big impression on the local ladies' golfing scene in recent years, has been busy coaching table tennis around the North West, but has now got the urge to prove she can still be up there with the very best now the lure of the Games is approaching.

"I still think I can win things in England. The standard is nowhere near as good now as when I was competing at the top level," said Andrea.

"The girl who is number one at the moment has not been inside the top 100 in the world, but when I was competing for England our top girls, including myself, were regularly in the top 40 or 50."

Andrea has been to the Olympic Games twice and won silver and bronze medals at the Commmonwealth Games in the pAst.

Now she is hoping to get on a programme geared to getting our top table tennis players in shape for Manchester 2002 and Andrea has written a letter to the country's table tennis performance director in a bid to get in on the act.

She aims to stay loyal to the Bury area, however, jobwise and is keen on becoming a sports development officer in the area.

As for the golf, Andrea has slashed her handicap from nine to six over the past 12 months and has played for Lancashire Ladies second team.

She has reached the final of the Bury and District Golf Association ladies championships and is a member at Bury Golf Club.

But the golf clubs will be put away for a few months now as she sets her sights on becoming a table tennis golden girl in Manchester next summer.