RESIDENTS in Hoddlesden can have their say on how £75,000 of regeneration money should be spent.

An exhibition on Saturday will show what past life was like in Hoddlesden and suggest ways of improving it for the future.

Together with people in the villages of Eccleshill and Yate and Pickup Bank, residents can give ideas on how best to spend the cash which has been allocated to the East Rural area for schemes benefiting the community.

Head of St Paul's Primary School Andrew Astbury is bringing in an album of old school events to trigger off people's memories of former life in the village. He encouraged people to attend and said: "The best way to say what you really think is where everyone else can hear it."

The event aims to give everyone a chance to say what they value about where they live and to build a picture of what residents would like to improve.

Views collected will be used to develop an action plan for the village.

Coun Fred Slater said: "About 500 letters have gone out telling people about the exhibition and we hope as many as possible will come.

"We need people's opinions so we can work out how to distribute funds. Hopefully, we will have a successful morning which will help us decide where the main bulk of the money should go."

The event is at St Paul's school between 10am and 1pm. Refreshments will be available and there will be a free pie and pea lunch.

If people have anything they would like displayed in the exhibition, such as old photographs, they should drop them in at St Paul's by Wednesday. Items should be clearly marked with the owner's name and address.

A similar event has been held in Pickup Bank and one is scheduled for Eccleshill on January 26.