I FIND it totally ridiculous that our Prime Minister feels it necessary to get inolved with every problem or conflict that may arise elsewhere in the world, instead of concentrating on very real problems here at home.

It is absurd for Mr Blair to travel to troubled spots and say Britain will play a pivotal role in bringing calm and understanding when we have increased NHS waiting lists, violent crime is soaring out of control and our transport system is in danger of total collapse.

I fear Mr Blair is far more interested in world politics and sees himself as a major player on the world stage for his own personal gain, but making Britain look stupid and interfering in the process.

Mr Blair must realise that his first priority is to the British people and can ill-afford the time and luxury of foreign travel. When will we see him make good his election pledges to be "Tough on crime and on the causes of crime," "Education, education, education" and "Only 24 hours to save the NHS?"

Well Mr Blair, we're still waiting.

PAUL McGURTY, Wharfdale Close, Feniscowles, Blackburn.