IF Lisa Brooks (Letters, January 3) thinks roadworks do not cause traffic jams, then she is the one who should 'get real.'

She says that instead of moaning, we should get out of our cars and use buses, trains, bikes and our feet.

I will gladly use trains and buses when they become reliable, safe, clean and affordable.

As for walking, I would try that too, but I would probably fall on the ungritted, uneven pavements.

And I will get a bike when there is a network of cycle paths and not just ones in stupid places like UP Montague Street in Blackburn.

Until this happens, I will continue to drive my car, filled with petrol on which I have paid 80 per cent tax and on the roads that I have once again paid tax to drive on.

The fact is, Miss Brooks, motorists have a right to moan -- we have paid dearly for it.

MARK COUPE, Melville Drive, Blackburn.